Scientists are primarily responsible for creating packaged and fast foods, with advancements in emulsifiers and dyes shifting the focus away from real food. It is now necessary to have a degree in chemistry to understand the chemicals we are consuming. Some chemicals are worse than others, causing hyperactivity, weight gain, cancer, and heart disease. It is crucial to avoid these harmful additives and unpronounceable chemicals from entering our diet. This article discusses the top ten worst man-made foods we’re eating.

Artificial Trans Fats:

Artificial trans fats, or trans fatty acids are produced through an industrial process that adds hydrogen to vegetable oils, making them more solid. The primary dietary source for trans fats in processed food. It is partially hydrogenated oils, which are found in packaged food. In 2013, the FDA determined that partially hydrogenated oils are no longer generally recognized as safe in human food.


Processed Meats:

Experts have found links between processed meat, including bacon, sausages, hot dogs and canned meat, to various forms of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. The current evidence suggests that the higher the intake of processed meat, the higher the risk of chronic diseases and mortality. However, eating a small amount of processed meat occasionally, such as once or twice a month, is unlikely to significantly harm health.

High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS):

High fructose corn syrup, a cheaper, sweeter, and more quickly absorbed sweetener, has become more prevalent in our diets. However, excessive consumption can lead to insulin resistance, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. This highly processed sweetener is commonly found in sugary beverages and processed foods.

Sugar-Sweetened Beverages:

Sugar-sweetened beverages are a significant contributor to the our diet. These drinks provide empty calories without essential nutrients, leading to weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney diseases, non-alcoholic liver disease, tooth decay, cavities and gout.

Artificial Sweeteners:

Artificial sweeteners, often touted as low-calorie alternatives, may cause digestive issues, increased blood sugar levels, cancer risk, blood pressure issues and mood disorders in pre-existing mood disorders. They may also affect immune systems.

Fast Food:

Fast food, often high in calories, saturated fats, and sodium. It is linked to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, strokes, dementia and cancer. We often enjoy quick, easy and inexpensive choices, but regular consumption of high-calorie fast food may not be the healthiest choice. These side effects can occur if you eat fast food regularly. However, occasional and small portions can still be part of a healthy eating plan.

Processed Snacks:

Chips, cookies, and other processed snacks are typically high in unhealthy fats, sugar, and sodium, promoting weight gain and overall poor health.

Highly Processed Grain Products:

White bread, pastries, and sugary cereals are high in refined grains. Which are stripped of nutrients and fiber, leading to rapid blood sugar spikes and energy crashes, and are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.


Excessive alcohol use can lead to chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, digestive problems, cancer, weakening of the immune system, learning and memory problems, mental health issues like depression and anxiety, social problems like family and job-related issues and alcohol use disorders or dependence.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs):

Concerns have been raised about the safety of genetically modified (GM) foods , with animal toxicity. Studies showing potential toxic effects on various organs and systems. Most studies suggest common toxic effects, such as hepatic, pancreatic, renal, or reproductive effects and may alter hematological, biochemical, and immunologic parameters. However, extensive research and clinical trials are needed for this assessment. Re-examination of recombinant GH or its expression in animals is also necessary, as it has been shown to increase IGF-1, which may promote cancer.


Being mindful of the foods we consume is the first step towards a healthier lifestyle. By limiting our intake of these ten worst man-made foods and opting for fresh, whole alternatives. We can protect our health, boost our energy levels and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Remember, making informed choices about what we eat today can significantly impact our wellbeing in the future.


World Health Organization

NIH, National Library of Public Health

British Heart Foundation

Harvard School of Public Health

Mayo Clinic

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

NCD Alliance


Ni Direct

NIH, National Library of Public Health


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