Indoor plants not only enhance home decor but also provide health benefits. Modern homes often contain airborne chemicals from furniture, carpets and paint. Some plants have healing properties that improve air quality, reduce stress and promote overall well-being. Whether you have a green thumb or are a beginner, incorporating these plants into your home can enhance your living space. This post explores seven best Air-purifying indoor plants and their beauty, unique qualities and benefits.

Boston Fern:

The Boston Fern is a highly effective indoor plant that can help with dry skin in cold weather. It restores moisture and acts as a humidifier, making it one of the top air-purifying plants in Clean Air Studies. Ferns also remove more formaldehyde from the air than any other plant and can remove pollutants from car exhausts entering the home.

English Ivy:

The English Ivy is an evergreen perennial that not only cleanses the air but also reduces airborne fecal matter, which can spread diseases if left untreated. This makes the English Ivy a great houseplant for the bathroom. It is a woody vine that can act as a ground cover or climb up to 80 feet due to its aerial rootlets. The plant is primarily known for its evergreen leaves, making it a foliage plant. The best time to plant it is in the spring, but it is invasive and toxic to humans and animals. It is important to be cautious with children and pets, as it is considered invasive in many areas.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is a versatile plant that serves multiple purposes, including as a sunburn soother, a face mask ingredient and an air purifying plant. It effectively filters out the formaldehyde found in wood varnishes and carpets, making it a great addition to any home. NASA claims aloe vera is one of the best air purifying plants, as it continuously releases oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide during the night. It is easy to maintain and is particularly helpful for forgetful waterers. Aloe vera also helps remove common chemicals found in household detergents, paint and glue.

Peace Lily:

Peace lilies are a popular indoor houseplant known for their white flowers and air-purifying properties. They absorb airborne toxins through their leaves, roots and soil, removing harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene. NASA and RHS-approved, they can improve indoor air quality by 60% and reduce mold spore levels. However, they prefer shady spots due to their leaves burning, so they should be placed in a sheltered area. The flowers are more plentiful with more light. These plants are also known for their beauty and air-purifying properties.


Snake Plant:

Another plant that provides oxygen at night is the snake plant. It’s one of the best indoor plants, recognized as the top air-purifying indoor plant by NASA. It converts carbon dioxide to oxygen while sleeping. It filters formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, toluene and benzene from the air. It is recommended to use six to eight plants per person for optimal results.

Weeping Fig:

Weeping figs, popular since Victorian times, are air-purifying plants with their loose-hanging branches and dense foliage. They can clear common household toxins like formaldehyde, xylene and toluene and are easy to maintain. They thrive in high temperatures and humid levels above 50%. Weeping figs are effective in purifying air from chemicals found in adhesives, nail polishes, glues and stain removers. They can be grown both outdoors and indoors, but it is advised to keep them away from pets. However, they can be harmful to animals.


By Emmy

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